Eve Mero

Eve Mero is an abstract and expressionistic painter with a keen feel for color and rhythm, her background in music omnipresent in how motifs, lines, and patterns interrelate and repeat. Experimentation with printmaking methods informs her work, welding into the process as an opposing force to the more sensual feel of the paint and other mark-making mediums. She contemplates ideas for paintings months to years in advance and savors the thought process as much as the actual painting experience. For her, the remarkable part is that the physical marks on the substrate always take command of the situation. Designs, painstakingly laid out in advance, are thrown to the wind while an urgent need to paint a black curving smear or a small yellow blotch destroys every intent. Deeply ingrained aesthetic rules are discarded, and going about making the awkward endearing is the most exciting part of the game. Surprisingly, in the end, the original intent is evident (but with exceptions!) and much better than it would have been if the process had been logical. It is an emotional experience, with the free-flowing spirit leaving a distinct biographical testament to the life lived at that moment.


A. Michael Marzolla

