William Banning
For nearly fifty years, my pursuit of photographic expression has outlasted the impulsiveness and short attention span in other parts of my life. Since retiring from a career in public education, I have become fully engaged with my lifelong passion for creative photography.
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a camera or didn’t want to reflect the world around me through photography. Over time, my images have evolved from purely representational “pretty pictures” to evocative, and often abstract, photographic art.
I make images in several genres and strive to elicit emotional reactions that cause a viewer to slow down and experience the work at something less than the lightning-swipe speed of Instagram. To do so, I employ techniques of expressionism, surrealism, and abstraction intended to serve as powerful visual speed bumps.
My most recent work reflects a fascination with non-objective, experimental, and conceptual photography; exploring abstraction and seeking to elicit responses that might be hidden in response to purely representational work.
William Banning | "Sticks and Stones #1" | photography | 12” x 12”
William Banning | "Spring" | photography | 12” x 12”
William Banning | "Sticks and Stones #2" | photography | 12” x 12”
William Banning | "Nevada, October 2017" | photography | 12” x 12”