David Mark Lane

David Mark Lane, artist and architect, was born in Hartford, Connecticut. He grew up in a nomadic family with roots in Vermont. David holds a Bachelor of Environmental Design from the University of Colorado at Boulder. After working as an architect and living in Colorado and Arizona, David moved to Santa Barbara, California to continue to design buildings.The Santa Barbara chapter of the American Institute of Architects honored David with an Honor Award in 2000, for his design of the Guest House at Bella Vista.

David is skilled in architectural illustration and design. He uses pen and ink and colored pencils to begin his architectural sketches. He then scans his sketches and imports them into Photoshop to enhance and finish them for presentations.

About 15 years ago, he discovered that he could create artwork with Photoshop. Today his paintbrush is Photoshop. He manipulates a world of images, and textures digitally. He distorts pixels; blends colors and forms to create artworks that often feel painterly. Techniques he has evolved create a new media that he likes to call “primitive digital”. He prints his digital artwork on paper, fabric, and metal. David is a former Board Member of the Abstract Art Collective.


Francine Kirsch


John Langdon