Cynthia Martin

The California landscape has always played a role in my life and in my art. As I was growing up in the San Fernando Valley, I saw the creeping development of freeways, tract homes, and shopping malls, bringing smog, congestion, and visual pollution to what was once a pristine environment. The themes of my work stem from my angst about the vanishing natural world, and I am interested in how we see the familiar scenery around us.

My paintings contain glittering stripes of deconstructed color to refer to pathways, roads, contrails, channels, and other symbols of a consumer society constantly on the go. Some of my pieces have a hi-tech auto finish, a salute to our voracious car culture, and reflecting on the way we catch glimpses of the passing landscape as we pursue our busy commuter lives. During the last few years, my art has reflected the urgency of addressing environmental issues, and even more than ever, reflect my frustration.


Laurie MacMillan


A. Michael Marzolla